The Union HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar said on Thursday that the CBSE is expected to announce on Monday or Tuesday the next date of re-examination for Class 10 mathematics and Class 12 economics subjects
The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), in a circular on Wednesday, had said that students would have to take the re-test for the two subjects.
Students on Thursday protested the CBSE paper leak at Jantar Mantar, raising slogans of “we want justice”. The CBSE received a complaint naming a person from Delhi’s Rajinder Nagar as being behind the leak of Class 10 and 12 examination papers.
Recently the CBSE had announced Re-exams for Class 10 Mathematics and Class 12 Economics because of the question paper leak, which has caused undue pain and stress on students, who have to rewrite the exam for absolutely no fault of theirs.
The HRD Ministry and the CBSE board have to take responsibility for the fiasco, which has led to angry protests by students.
Date: Mar 30, 2018
Source: Business Standard