As Bengaluru gears up to welcome the New Year, the city police have taken extensive measures to ensure a safe and orderly celebration. With an expected turnout of 7 to 8 lakh people, the police have deployed over 11,830 personnel across the city, including senior officers, civil defense staff, and volunteers.
Key Measures:
Police Commissioner’s Assurance: Bengaluru Police Commissioner B. Dayananda assured the public that all necessary preparations have been made to ensure a joyful and safe New Year celebration. He stated, “We have identified areas where people are likely to gather in large numbers, such as MG Road and Brigade Road Junction. Accordingly, arrangements have been made. We have also issued an advisory to people not to wear deformed or obscene masks during the celebrations, as it could scare or shock others, especially young children. We have taken all kinds of precautionary measures to ensure a safe New Year celebration. Our primary objective is to prevent any untoward incidents. Each and every street in Bengaluru will be strictly monitored, and any one found misbehaving with the public will face serious consequences.”
Karnataka Deputy Chief Minister DK Shivakumar and Home Minister G Parameshwara have also assured the public that all necessary preparations have been made to ensure safety in Bengaluru city and the state.
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