Chaya M.V., a talented eighth-grader from Presidency School, RT Nagar, Bengaluru, has been crowned the National Champion of the prestigious SBI Life Spell Bee Season 14. The grand finale, held in Kolkata, saw Chaya’s exceptional spelling skills and deep passion for language earn her the title of “Spell Master of India”.
The competition, which engaged over 200,000 students from more than 500 schools across 30 cities, celebrated the linguistic prowess of young participants. Chaya stood out among the 54 finalists, showcasing her precision and confidence in navigating complex words1.
Hosted by Indian actress and television presenter Mandira Bedi, the event awarded Chaya a cash prize of Rs. 1,00,000 and an all-expenses-paid trip to Disneyland, Hong Kong, along with her parents. This victory not only highlights Chaya’s spelling abilities but also her potential to inspire and lead among her peers2.
Ravindra Sharma, Chief of Brand, Corporate Communications, and CSR at SBI Life Insurance, congratulated all participants and emphasized the importance of early opportunities in shaping a child’s future. “We believe in the transformative power of early opportunities, as they lay the foundation for a lifetime of lasting and meaningful impact,” he said2.
Chaya’s achievement is a testament to her hard work and dedication, and she serves as an inspiration to young learners everywhere. Congratulations to Chaya M.V. on this remarkable accomplishment!
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