The First stage shortlisted candidates for the 6 new IIMSs namely IIM Kashipur, Raipur, Ranchi, Rohtak, Trichy and Udaipur have been announced for WAT & PI round 2015. Candidates who have been shortlisted would be informed of their WAT and PI venue , date & time by January 31, 2015. The status of the shortlist is available on the Common Admission site of the new IIMs.
Shortlist by Individual IIMs
The PI & WAT scores for candidates set aside from the combined shortlist will be obtained from the respective older IIMs from which such candidates have received interview calls. Those who have been called for WAT and PI by more than one older IIM will have the PI & WAT scores received from all applicable older IIMs averaged for further processing.
Venues for PI & WAT
CAT 2014 cut offs in shortlisting
In a few days and latest by Jan 31, 2015 the shortlisted candidates will be intimated about the date and venue to appear for CAP 2015 round. According to Prof S K Agarwal Verbal Ability Expert and mentor on CAT preparation, all the shortlisted candidates are supposed to focus and prepare well to improve their writing and communication skill. PI & WAT round has even more weightage than CAT 2014 scores.
Source: MBA Universe
Date: Jan 28, 2015