IIM Udaipur
Sanjiv Puri, Chairman & MD, ITC Ltd graces the ceremony as the Chief Guest
Editor’s Synopsis:
April 28th, 2022; Udaipur:Celebrating a decade of excellence,Indian Institute of Management Udaipur hosted its 10th Annual Convocation for its flagship Two-Year MBA (Batch of 2020-22), One-Year full-time MBAs in Global Supply Chain Management and Digital Enterprise Management (Batches of 2021-22) and Ph.D., on Wednesday, 27th April 2022 at its pristine 300-acre campus at Balicha, Udaipur. Mr. Pankaj Patel, Chairman, Board of Governors, of IIM Udaipur presided over the Convocation.The Convocation Address was delivered by Mr. Sanjiv Puri, Chairman & Managing Director of ITC Ltd, who was the Chief Guest of the Convocationand the concluding address by Prof Janat Shah, Director, IIM Udaipur.The convocation was graced by the faculty & staff of IIM Udaipur, besides parents and relatives of the graduating batches.
In the 10th Annual Convocation, a total of 392 students graduated including one Ph.D. student, 317 students of Two-Year MBA (Batch 2020-22) and 37 students each of One-Year MBA GSCM and One-Year MBA DEM, (Batches 2021-22).
While congratulating all the students and the Institute on completing a decade journey, Mr. Sanjiv Puri, Chairman & Managing Director of ITC Ltd, shared his life lessons and industry perspectives with the students and said, “The world is changing at an unprecedented magnitude. Digital and sustainability are the defining trends for the next decade. This is the beginning of a new era where resilience and reliability are the dynamics of the geopolitical ecosystem. In the 1990s, when the Indian economy was opening up, a massive transition happened. It was then thought the coming generations would never witness these transformations. Today, it’s even more dramatic and profound. It created the desire in people to change, empowered and skilled them to adapt to the new normal.”
He held several business leadership positions and handled many responsibilities in manufacturing, operations, and information & digital technology. He used insightful examples from his career of over three decades and from the ITC Group to explain the absolute importance of digital and sustainability in today’s world of business. He further added, “Success is 99% hard work and 1% intelligence. The tremendous amount of perseverance, energy, and the ability to learn and unlearn is how you can join the dots and evolve strategically. The four lessons: challenging and seizing the opportunity, future-oriented, collaborating with energy, and pursuing a choice with passion, are the life lessons to be followed during the entire journey of your life.”
In his welcome address, Mr. Pankaj Patel, Chairman, said, “The COVID-19 has thrown some unprecedented challenges onto us in every sphere of our life in the past two years. The story of our students was no different. Yet your commitment to your goal has made you achieve what you are today. It gives me immense pride to congratulate you all on your well-earned degree at the tenth convocation ceremony of the Institute. We started with a strength of just 57 students, and now, over the years, we have more than 700 students in our courses. IIMU recently celebrated its decade anniversary, and the tagline “10 years unstoppable” both captures the pioneering spirit of IIMU as well as encourages us in achieving the goals of our vision of 2030. We are also distinctive with our accomplishments of getting listed in the International Rankings, FT, and QS MIM Rankings for the third consecutive year
Talking of the achievements IIMU of the year, Mr. Patel further said, “This year is special as all the courses have achieved 100% placements one month before the convocation. Considering the innovative approach, achievements, and global vision, IIMU has established a Fund Raising Unit, \which has already received funds of around 2.1 crores in the last few months. We also consciously conducted a culture study at the Institute that brought forth the values of collegiality and accessibility at IIMU.”
In his concluding address, Prof. Janat Shah, Director, IIM Udaipur, said, “It is a momentous occasion as we celebrate the convocation ceremony of our tenth batch with the Institute. It has been the most eventful and remarkable year for the IIMU community as we completed a decade of our establishment.. My limited memory recalls that the graduating batches of 2020 and 2022 experienced a turn of events that could as well be construed as extraordinary. You are the first batch who started their MBA journey online due to the unprecedented global pandemic outbreak. You supported your teachers and batchmates and showed resilience under great stress. This graduating batch will remain a special batch for us as you helped us manage these difficult times without compromising the transformational experience quality. We are already proud of your forthcoming achievements and anticipate the unique paths you will tread that will benefit you, society and humankind.”
Arti Srivastava was awarded the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Degree in Marketing.Ajeesh Kumar BK was awarded a gold medal for scholastic performance in the One-year MBA in Global Supply Chain Management (GSCM) Course.Tatta Mohan Krishnawas awarded a Gold Medal in a One-year MBA in Digital Enterprise Management (DEM) Course.Pallavi Goyal, Shivam Kumar, and Kusumit Goyalwere jointly awarded Gold Medal for scholastic performance in the Two-year MBA Course.Dikshaof the Two-year MBA (Batch 2020-22) Course was adjudged the Best All-Round Student.
IIM Udaipur had earlier hosted special Convention on 22nd and 23rd April by inviting alums of Two-MBA, One-Year MBA GSCM and One-Year MBA DEM Batches of 2020 and 2021, for an in-person replica ceremony of the 8th& 9th Convocations, which had been held online last year in the backdrop of the covid pandemic. Both days the convention were opened by the respective Chairperson of the events from the Board of Governors of IIM Udaipur, Ms. Mythily Ramesh and Mr. Satyanarayan B. Dangayach. The chairperson also delivered the welcome address and handed the mementos to the graduates.
The college was extremely delighted to host Mr. Harsha Bhogle and Mr. D. Shivakumar, members of the Board of Governors of IIM Udaipur as the chief guests of the event. Mr. Harsha Bhogle shared his thoughts to the crowd with his cricket analogies and gave them 11 mantras for success which truly left a mark on the audience. Mr. D. Shivakumar also enlightened the participants by speaking on the digital front and how digital is accelerating the adoption of matrix in the corporate world.
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