Cancer Cases Have Doubled in India in Three Decades

Cancer Cases Have Doubled in India in Three Decades

Cancers associated with tobacco use, including lung, oral, and throat cancers account for 40% of all cancer cases in the country BENGALURU / February 3, 2025: The incidence of cancer has been steadily increasing in Indiaover the last few decades, with the number of cancer patients projected to rise to 1.57 million in 2025,double of […]

Cancer: A preventable disease that requires major lifestyle changes

Dr Shyam Kishore Shrivastava, Director of Radiation Oncology, HCG Cancer Centre Mumbai Cancer is emerging as a major issue among the non-communicable diseases in our country. In India head and Neck, cervical and breast cancers are very common. As per recent data from National Cancer Registry Program (NCRP 2016), 1.7 million cases and 0.88 million […]