In a recent crackdown, the Central Crime Branch (CCB) of Bengaluru arrested Rakshith Ramesh Melappanavar, a 31-year-old freelance tattoo artist, for his involvement in a large-scale narcotics operation. Acting on reliable intelligence, the CCB’s Anti-Narcotics Wing raided Melappanavar’s residence in Chokkanahalli, uncovering a hidden stash of drugs cleverly disguised as cookies and biscuits2.
During the raid, authorities seized 3.5 kg of hydro ganja, 15.5 kg of ganja, 40 LSD strips, 130 grams of charas, and 2.3 grams of MDMA crystals, with an estimated street value of ₹2.5 crore3. Additionally, police recovered ₹1.3 lakh in cash, three weighing machines, and two mobile phones.
Melappanavar, who had been working as a tattoo artist for the past six years, reportedly turned to drug peddling about a year ago. He became involved in the narcotics trade through his acquaintance, Thavanish alias Eash, who remains at large. The duo sourced drugs from various locations, including hydro ganja from Thailand, LSD strips from Goa, charas from Himachal Pradesh, and ganja from Telangana2.
The investigation revealed that Melappanavar used his tattoo business as a cover to distribute drugs. He would inform clients about the narcotics during tattoo sessions and arrange deliveries through phone orders and online payments. To avoid detection, he would drop the parcels at specific locations, sharing photos and coordinates with customers for pickup2.
Authorities believe that Melappanavar had stockpiled the drugs in anticipation of the New Year celebrations, planning to distribute them at parties in Goa3. His arrest has led to further investigations as the police search for his accomplice and other members of the narcotics network2.
Melappanavar’s parents, unaware of his illicit activities, were shocked by the discovery. His father is a yoga teacher, and his mother runs a beauty parlour. The case has been registered under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act at the CCB Bengaluru City police station2.
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